Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Just one of the kids
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Costco Coupons
This month, Costco sent us a coupon packet to try to get us to join Costco. They obviously thought we were not currently members. There were thousands of dollars worth of coupons. Obviously, we don't use all of the items that were couponed. But, we use quite a few.

We clipped and took our list to Costco and purchased those items. Many of them are going into storage (like 16 boxes of tissues), but we'll use eventually. It was especially great to get $5 off of diapers and $4 off of wipes!

I asked the cashier if you have to have a coupon to get the discount and he said not necessarily, but you do have to get the mailing to know WHAT has a coupon and then you have to ask for the cashier to enter the coupons for you. I found the coupons posted by someone online, but I think it's easier to have the mailing.
I love coupons and these are high value coupons on stuff we always buy. Good day!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Cheek to cheek
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Perks of being a pilot
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Alice wasn't able to go to the lesson this week, so Terry invited James and I went to watch. Terry went first. He's pretty good! And he just started. Now, realize that the horse is moving this whole time.
Then, James got to try! I was very impressed and so was the teacher. She totally wanted James to sign up and keep learning. He liked that it was such a good workout. I liked watching his poise and tight butt. :)
2 Month Check-Up

Thursday, September 9, 2010
Donated Baby Clothes
This is a favorite from the hand-me-downs I've received. The shape (whose baby is shaped like that?), the scary baby iron-on and the clown neck are my favorite aspects of this item. I guess it's not SO bad once it's on.
Then, there is the "day-time pajamas look." They try to merge comfort and style. I'm not a huge fan of this genre of baby clothes.
I do particularly like babies in non-baby colors and styles like plaid and red.
This outfit below was one I thought I was NOT going to like when I saw it on the hanger, but once I put it on her, I thought Lily looked really cute. They basically merged a onesie undershirt, cute high-waisted top and frilly bloomers into a one-piece outfit. So easy!
This outfit below is CLASSIC. As in, Carter's brand from 1955. I adore the little sweater. I just wish they weren't 100% scratchy polyester!
Lily Coos
So I've babysat and I have younger siblings, but I have never been so in love with the sounds of a baby than I am with this sweet girl. I absolutely adore her. I could sit and "talk" to her all day. I love being a mom!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Lily's Baby Photo Shoot
Kristal came up with the cute beads and tutu outfit. The white crocheted dress was made by my grandmother Stephenson and I have a picture of myself in the same dress. I'll look for it and post it soon.
Tell me what you think! We are super happy with the pictures.