My friend,
Heather, passed on to me the Stylish Blogger Award. I've actually never done one of these things, but this one asks me to list 7 things about myself and then tag 7 people. I don't think 7 people even read my blog, but here are 7 things about me:

1. I adore my baby. Being a mom is the greatest and most wonderful feeling in the world. If you're trying to decide if parenthood is for you, you should know that this is one life change that is rewarding each and every day.
2. I'm working 25 hours a week right now and I still have mixed feelings. To be honest, I'm really glad Lily has had the time to get out of the house and spend time with my AMAZING friend Jillyn and her little guy, Noah. Lily and Noah love each other. It's great for both of them to have a little friend. When Jill has her baby in May, Noah will be a great big brother!
3. I wish I lived closer to my family! We love having great friends and James' brother nearby, but I wish I lived closer to my sisters! Raising our kids together would be so much fun! Especially since Lily has 4 cousins within 6 months of her age.
4. I like living in Provo. Phew! That's something I've never been able to admit to myself. I have always been sort of an East Coast snob and secretly had ambivalent feelings toward Utah. Well, now I've lived in Utah for 16 of my 28 years of life. I do still hope that I might move back east someday and live near family, but I really enjoy the community here. Heavenly Father knows this is where I need to be and I'm happy to be here.
5. I love NPR. It's always on at my house and in my car. I hereby apologize to my future kids who will be forced to listen with mom.
6. My husband is perfect for me. We were just talking last night and I was saying how he always is able to surprise me and he keeps my life interesting. If I recall correctly, I said he was "wonderfully random, but not in a predictable way." I'm such a redundant idiot. I'm so glad he loves me just the way I am.
7. I'm currently addicted to Peggle. Before that was Plants vs. Zombies. Before that was Freecell. And Bookworm. And Scrabulous. And Brick Breaker. I am an addict. I love puzzle games.
If anyone reading this wants to be tagged, I hereby tag you! Tell us a little about yourself!