For those who aren't aware, there are lots of choices in having babies these days. There are traditional hospital births, birthing center births, home births. They can be attended by an Obstetrician, a Primary Care Physician, a Certified Nurse Midwife or a nurse. For labor, people can choose from traditional anesthesia (epidural), traditional medication (opiates), or various non-medicated techniques. Some more common ones are the Bradley Method, Lamaze, Hypnobirthing and Hypnobabies.

Hypnobabies is a pretty complete natural birthing program that uses hypnosis (deep relaxation) to help your body work with contractions to help labor progress comfortably and more efficiently. My good friend, Esther, first introduced me and since then I've heard only great experiences. I'm not particularly scared of the labor and delivery, so I can easily buy into the fact that it doesn't have to be terrible. In fact, it can be a really memorable and wonderful experience. I think my sister, Amanda, is also thinking of using this technique. (eh, Manie?) My colleague who used it told me she wishes she could go back and redo her labor and delivery because it was such a wonderful experience. That's pretty cool.
I'm thinking I'll still deliver at the hospital, but maybe find a doctor/nurse that is on board with my "alternative" pain-relief choice. Having never had a baby, I reserve the right to use traditional medication without eliciting anyone's judgement. But I really think I can do this naturally.
What are YOUR thoughts on the choices in child birth these days? Anyone else used Hypnobabies?
Good for you Malea! I checked out a book on hypnobirthing with my last. I didn't actually take any classes, but I loved the idea of working with my body and relaxing myself through contractions. I did unmedicated births with my last two and LOVED it!! Granted if you asked me during the hardest part of my labor I would have said otherwise, but at that point I knew I was minutes from delivering. I did use soothing music though. Every time I had a strong contraction I put on my headphones and breathed through my contractions. With my first I wanted to do natural but I was induced and ended up getting an epidural and I'm glad that I did. I'm definitely not anti medication, but my last two came quickly enough that I could do it reasonably without medication and it truly is a magical experience. That being said, any birth is a magical experience! It's nice to have a plan but if it doesn't work out that way, the important thing is getting baby safely here. The very best part is holding that sweet baby in your arms after it is delivered. I'm so happy for you!
ReplyDeleteYou sound very well informed already! :) So excited for you! That'd be neat if Manie took it too!
ReplyDeleteYay, Lay! I didn't know you were doing Hypnobabies too. Tonight would be our third class if our second one hadn't be rescheduled due to illness. I am loving it. Good luck, and do the daily practice. :) You deserve a beautiful birthing for you and your baby. :)
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the baby to be! We are also execting, but not until Oct.
ReplyDeleteHypno birthing sounds interesting. I am actaully afraid of needles, so I had both my kids naturaly. It really wasn't that bad for me, but then agian my kids come out pretty small. Good luck. You will do great!