He showed several of the pictures that are in the book Leviathan. I haven't read Leviathan yet, but I liked the Uglies books.
This outfit fits in length but not in width so she looks wider than she really is in this picture.
She's getting good at grabbing at toys hanging in front of her, and she's starting to put everything into her mouth. She smiles lots and giggled for the first time this week. I'm working on a video of her giggles. No rolling over yet, but she can hold up her head and her chest.
I love this picture below because her eyes look so blue.
Another reason Lindsay's house is so wonderful is that she has some great stuff to entertain the "kids." I walked into the library to find this.
I'm completely not cute and trendy, so I really need some feedback. I would probably wear my hair curly and my bangs straight (not round, but straight). Could I look cute with full bangs, a side swoop or just a few strands?
What do you guys think?!
These were her little feet prints at birth:
These are her little feet now. I know they look weird. I didn't have ink so I used acrylic paint. Not such a great medium for feet prints.
If you see the side by side comparison below, her feet have totally grown. Yet somehow they don't seem big anymore.